There is a crisis of aid supplies in Calais right now: because of the demolition of the “Jungle” people assume Calais is “over” and they’ve stopped bringing donations, BUT there are thousands of people still there and needing help!
• Please share this message with any other who may be able to help!
On Monday, 1,300 people in Dunkirk will start to move into a new MSF-built camp. However, due to the risk of scabies, people will not be able to bring their possessions or clothes with them from the previous unhealthy site. This means that a new set of clothes, boots, sleeping bag – and tents, in some cases – will have to be found for EVERYBODY in only a few days!! The warehouse, run by Auberge des Migrants and HelpRefugees supplies both Calais and Dunkirk, but stocks have run out! PLEASE do not stop collecting and bringing aid over to the Calais Warehouse because you think Calais is “over” and if you are making a collection, bring it as fast as you can! There are still thousands of people to be clothed and fed.
You can buy on-line via the LeisureFayre page set up with refugee-specific items at www.leisurefayre.com/section.php/86100/1/help_refugees (with a 20% discount at the checkout) but goods take five days to arrive.
For those who have not been over, the warehouse is 15 minutes OUTSIDE the “Jungle” camp and it is NOT DANGEROUS to deliver there at all. Please, if you can make a trip there, do so as soon as possible. The warehouse is about 15 minutes’ drive from both the ferry port and the Eurotunnel arrival point if traffic is good.
To allow those working in Calais to devote their time to delivering aid rather than to sorting donations, when delivering goods to the warehouse, please first email calaisdonations@gmail.com
• You will be asked to supply details of the kind and amount of aid you are dropping off; and your intended date and estimated time of arrival. You will then be informed of the delivery address.
• The donations coordinator does all her admin after a long day in the warehouse and camp. Please try and give at least 48 hrs notice when you email her with details of donations you wish to drop off.
Tents, warm sleeping bags, roll mats, toiletries, hats, socks, gloves, tinned food, and bottled water.
Men’s gloves,
Men’s underwear s/m
Men’s joggers s/m
Waterproof coats (small)
Shoes/ sturdy trainers/ walking boots – Euro sizes 41 – 43
Please help – or buy online via leisurefayre – thank you!
About ‘Seeking Sanctuary’. There are currently still over 5000 migrants in Calais (March 2016) and many more nearby. ‘Seeking Sanctuary’ aims to raise awareness about this situation and is organising basic humanitarian assistance through Faith Communities and Community Organisations in partnership with experienced aid agencies such as ‘Secours Catholique’.
For further information on how you or your organisation can help, contact Ben Bano on 07887 651117 or Phil Kerton on 01474 873802. To check the latest news, visit our website on www.seekingsanctuary.weebly.com.