NJPN E-Bulletin 22nd May 2023

‘Communicating in a cordial manner means that those who read or listen to us are led to welcome our participation in the joys, fears, hopes and suffering of the women and men of our time. Those who speak in this way love the other because they care and protect their freedom without violating it.’
Pope Francis for World Communications Day

Dear Friends,

This is a shorter e-bulletin than normal (although some of you will breathe a sigh of relief, I’m sure!)

It has been a busy couple of weeks, and the Conference bookings have taken longer than I thought they would. If you haven’t yet put your form and deposit in, please do so as soon as possible, as we are filling up fast. Don’t forget to email it to my address – ebulletin@justice-and-peace.org, or you can still post it into Eccleston House and it will find its way to me, albeit a bit slower than by email!

If you want to know more details of our Conference, see Ellen Teague’s article through the Columban Missionaries website. I particularly like Christine Allen’s (Director of CAFOD) words: – “I am delighted to be speaking at the Conference, which is an inspiring reminder of how people up and down the country are working tirelessly to secure a better future for our common home.”

Don’t forget, there may be help available if you would like to come but cannot afford it. This particularly applies to young people and students. Ask the question, and we will see what we can do.

The next e-bulletin should be out around the 4th June, so if you want anything shared, please make sure I have it by the 2nd June. Also, if you know of anyone with an interest in justice and peace issues, please share this e-bulletin with them. You never know, they may even want to subscribe themselves!

Wishing you a good fortnight,


NJPN E-Bulletin 21st May 2023