NJPN eBulletin – 20th March 2022

Dear Friends,

No words can be used to describe how we all feel about what is going on in Ukraine at present. However many times you listen to the news it is difficult to comprehend the situation, and why we are possibly on the brink of yet another World War. There are so many opinions, fundraising efforts, articles etc. that I couldn’t possibly put them all in this e-bulletin. Pretty much every company I have ever bought from on the internet has contacted me in the last week or so to tell me that they have set up either a fundraising page for Ukraine, have donated some money to the DEC Humanitarian Appeal, or will match fund anything that I care to donate.  This is great, but as Paul Southgate said the other day, with everything being about Ukraine, there is a worry that other things will get missed. 
On the back of this thought, our Action of the Week is about the situation in Calais. We also lead the News and Comments Section with Refugees/Migrants.

Thanks to everyone who has sent in items to be included in this e-bulletin. If possible, can you provide me with a link to the article/event on a website please. Particularly if it is a long article, the e-bulletin works much better if I can put in a few words, and then add the link, so that those who want to read it can do so on a web page.

The next edition will be out around the 3rd ApriI.  

God bless and stay safe,
Sharon (Editor)


NJPN E-Bulletin 20th March 2022