Latest News From The NorthWest

  • As the U.K. Government votes overwhelmingly to scrap legal protection for child refugees the February issue of the NW NJPN E Bulletin also looks at positive action against the US Administration’s policy of separating immigrant families and its continued detention of unaccompanied children on the borders. A round-up of current events and campaigns includes Holocaust Memorial Day, with opinion pieces from poet, author and activist Michael Rosen and blogger Robert A Cohen,  a report of ground-breaking action by Muslim leaders joining Holocaust survivors in prayer at Auschwitz, a moving speech in support of the Palestinian people from Prince Charles, Climate Change in the light of the Australian bush fires, Poverty Action Week 23 Feb, Lent resources, Franz Jagerstatter film review and diary dates for the next two months.
    Read this months ebulletin
    The Lent resources can be downloaded at: