Latest J&P News from the North West
The June edition of the NW NJPN E Bulletin leads with an account of the 2019 NJPN AGM as ‘a thriving lay-led church organisation for justice and Peace’. Pax Christi’s AGM highlighted action for peace and non-violence including plans to expand the current schools outreach programme using a team of volunteers. Forthcoming conferences include Liverpool’s Annual Assembly on the theme of climate change, Sabeel-Kairos on building peace in the Holy Land and NJPN’s which will look at ‘Being Church on the Margins’ in collaboration with Church Action on Poverty.
We mourn the death of Jean Vanier, founder of the L’Arche community.
Other topics include climate change, the Arms Trade and nuclear weapons, Conscientious Objectors’ Day, violence in Gaza and the 71st anniversary of the Nakba – the forced driving out of Palestinians from their homeland, slow progress for the cause for women deacons in the Catholic Church, plus support for victims of domestic violence and abuse and the launch of a new mental health text support service.
Local reports and a packed diary add up to 18 pages of articles with links to help readers explore in more depth.
Do please read then pass on to others
NW NJPN Justice and Peace E Bulletin June 2019