Latest News From The Northwest

The June edition of the NW NJPN E Bulletin looks at ways in which the coronavirus is changing the way we view the world and our interconnectedness with all creation with a mix of inspiring opinion pieces, prayers and reflections. As always, it is the poor who suffer most as reports from the UK and overseas indicate.
There’s a tribute to the late meteorologist Sir John Houghton, one of the first to raise the alarm about climate change. His name will be known to many activists, especially in connection with Operation Noah whose patron he became. But we also salute one of the countless men and women who quietly ‘do their bit’ to bring about a better, fairer world: Will Cochrane, a tireless and dedicated campaigner for over forty years who remains very close to our hearts here in Shrewsbury Diocese, who has died due to Covid-19.
Liam Purcell from Church Action on Poverty offers some resources to keep us occupied during lockdown and there resources on Laudato Si’ to help us celebrate the feast of Pentecost on 31 May.
Please pass on to others. Stay safe; stay alert!