Latest News From The NorthWest

The April 2020 edition of the NW NJPN E Bulletin looks at the many changes we are having to make to our daily lives and the way we worship due to the coronavirus pandemic. Poems and reflections help us to adapt to what Cardinal Vincent Nichols calls ‘a strange, strange Sunday’, the first of many for the foreseeable future. Let’s use this enforced solitude well to reflect on all that is good, to slow down our busy lives and take stock. Let’s celebrate the many acts of kindness from friends, family and strangers in our communities.

Central America also features this month as well as the results of the Columban’s ‘Throwaway Culture’ competition for young writers and film makers. There are book reviews and a song for St Patrick’s Day to lift our spirits.
Please read and pass on and do take good care in these difficult times.