2023-24 Winter MouthPeace

Editor writes: Last year we received hand made Christmas cards from the Ukrainian children who were living with our
neighbours and had become our friends. In August their mother decided they should go back to Kyiv – she was missing her
husband and wanted them all to be together as a family. Their home had been destroyed by bombing but they have
managed to get another smaller flat and feel reasonably safe. Israel/Gaza have taken over our news headlines but the war
in Ukraine continues. . The country still needs our prayers.
In this Mouthpeace there are several things to look at or to join on line. Thank you to Sue Gubric for all the information
she sends from Lancaster Diocese. She wrote: This newsletter is becoming an amazing vehicle for our joint ecumenical work
and is now being distributed far and wide!
This edition is being sent out  in time for the start of Advent as there are several differing reflections and zoom events we can join.  Also COP 28 starts  this Thursday 30 November and Green Christian are offering a short daily prayer on line while COP lasts.  Journey to 2030 have also prepared a special edition about this COP that you might find useful. If you would like to send a card to encourage someone whom JRS support, they would like to receive this at their London office by Thursday December 7th.