Pax Christi invite people of faith around the country to join in solidarity with others to fast and pray for one or more 24-hour period between September 8 and October 7. Pax Christi hope that this simple gesture will be a small act of solidarity with those whose lives are destroyed by war – in Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and Ukraine, and that it will offer prayerful encouragement to the many peace talks and negotiations which are taking place, as well as supporting a range of peace activities. Pat Gaffney, General Secretary of Pax Christi, commented: “People of faith need to draw on all the resources available to them in the face of so much violence in our world. “We felt drawn by the message in the Gospel: ‘Why couldn’t we drive the spirit out?’ Jesus replied: ‘This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.’ Mark 9:28. “We know that people are involved in all kinds of campaigning and advocacy work and that this needs prayerful support.” Those wishing to join in with this project are invited to choose one or more days to fast and use the Prayer for Peace in the Middle East. If they wish, they can tell Pax Christi which day and where they are from, and this will be added to a Prayer and Fasting calendar. Go to: info@paxchristi.org.uk 0208 203 3884